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学医学知识,练英语听力 欢迎您参加-- 《医学英语听力填空》第五十八期 活动参与方式:step1: 完整地听一两遍录音材料step2: 将文本中的空缺处填写完整step3: 模仿文中红色部分的结构,造句。 (一定要记住模仿造句)step4:翻译蓝色部分 (一定记住要翻译)温馨提示:1.谢绝灌水! 2.答题时请一律使用加密300分 。 (其目的是防止参与者相互参考答案。)如果不知道怎么加密,请进入 >------------------------------语音材料下载: (用鼠标指向文件,点击左健,直接下载!) chil4320.rar (453.51k)the answer:a dry cough, runny nose, red and swollen eyes, nasal congestion, sneezing, and white spots on the inner side of the cheek acetaminophen or ibuprofen to control fever measles, mumps, and rubella1,在内容栏贴上你的“作业”。我的答案:----我的造句:----我的翻译:----等等2,在选项中的 “加密此帖,只对部分用户可见,用户积分需大于 论坛积分统计 ” 一栏前 打钩 。千万不要忘记此操作步骤,如果不打钩,选择多少分也不会加密成功!3,选择300分4,点击确定,发出帖子。 screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" width=640 height=497 title="Click to view full 300分.GIF (673 X 523)" border=0 align=absmiddle>答案:1.a dry cough, runny nose, red and swollen eyes, nasal congestion, sneezing and white spots on the inner sides of the cheek2. acetaminophen or Brufen to control fever3. measles, mumps and rubella翻译:1.  This highly contagious disease spreads when germs pass from an infected person to the nose or throat of others through droplets and can be transmitted from 4 days before the onset of the rash to 4 days after.这一接触性传染病的传染性强,其病菌可通过感染病人的飞沫附着于其他人的鼻部或是咽喉部进行传播,此外,病人出疹的前、后四天为病菌传染活跃期。2.  A red rash usually develops about 14 days after the beginning of the illness. Typically, it begins on the face and neck, then spreads down the trunk and out to the arms and legs. The rash lasts 5 to 6 days. As it fades, it may peel off in small flakes.发病后,红疹期一般持续14天。通常情况下,红疹首先发于面部和颈部,之后传至躯干和四肢。疹出5至6天后就开始以小片的形式脱落。3.  Immunity against measles comes with having had the disease or with vaccination to prevent it. Children should receive the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) series of 2 shots with 1 given between 12 and 15 months, and 1 between 4 and 6 years.有麻疹病史或是注射了麻疹疫苗的人能对麻疹产生免疫。儿童应注射MMR(麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹)系列疫苗,第1针疫苗在12至15月大的时候注射,第2针在4至6岁注射。造句:Although the decree is publicized nationwide, thousands of people still risk getting detained by violating it, just because the decree is thought to be too unfair for the poor.我的答案:1.a dry cough, runny nose, red and swollen eyes, nasal congestion, sneezing, and white spots on the inner side of the cheek2.acetaminophen or ibuprofen to control fever3.measles, mumps, and rubella我的翻译:1.当细菌通过飞沫从感染者传播到其他人的鼻喉时高接触性传染病得以传播,疾病能在疹子出现后4天内或4天后传播开来。2.红疹经常在疾病开始后14天左右出现。典型症状为:首先出现在面颈部,跟着延伸到身躯,向外扩展到手臂和腿部。疹子将持续5到6天。消褪时可能会像小鳞片那样去皮。3.通常在得过麻疹或接种疫苗后产生免疫对抗并能防御疾病。小孩需要在出生后12到15个月内接受MMR(麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹)系中的两种疫苗注射,还有一种在4到6岁的时候注射。我的造句:Although condom is recommended nationwide, thousands of adults get unhoped gravidity each day in the whole world because they have not recogenized the importance of birth control.我的答案1.a dry cough, running nose, red and swollen eyes, nasal congestion, sneezing and white spot on the inner side of the cheek2.give acetaminophen of ibuprofen to control fever3.measles, mumps and rubella我的造句Although giving up smoking is recommended worldwide, thousands of people get lung cancer each year in the world because they fail to stop smoking.我的翻译1。这一传染性极强的疾病通过感染者经呼吸道将细菌以飞沫的形式传至其他人,其传染性可持续存在于出疹前后4天。2。通常起病14天左右出红疹。典型红疹始于面颈部,渐播散至躯干、前臂和腿部。皮疹持续5到6天,疹退时可有脱屑。3。曾得过麻疹者或接种过免疫疫苗者可获得免疫力。儿童需接种两次麻风腮三联疫苗,一针在12至15个月时注射,另一针在4到6岁时注射。我的答案:1,A dry cough,running nose,red and swollen eyes, nasal congestion ,sneezing,and white spots on the inner side of the cheek 2,acetaminophen or ibuprofen to control fever 3,measles,mumps,and rubella我的造句:Although immunization is recommended nationwide, thousands of children get hepatitis each year in the United States because they have not been vaccinated.我的翻译:当细菌以小液滴的形式从传染源传到其他人的鼻腔或喉咙时,这种高度接触性传染病就会传播,并在麻疹出现后4天内都能传播.麻疹通常在得病后14天才出现.通常麻疹首先出现在脸上和颈部,再蔓延至躯干和四肢.疹持续5到6天,当它褪去时,一般会以鳞片的形式剥皮.对麻疹病的免疫来自曾得过这种病或免疫接种.小孩应该接受MMR(麻疹,腮腺炎,风疹)两针系列:在出生后12到15个月内打第一针,在4到6岁打第二针.我的答案:1、a dry cough, runny nose, red and swollen eyes, nasal congestion, sneezing, and white spots on the inner side of the cheek 2、acetaminophen or ibuprofen to control fever 3、measles, mumps, and rubella我的造句:Although donation is given cosmopolitan, thousands of children starve to death each year in Africa because there are not enough food.我的翻译:1、当细菌通过飞沫从感染者传播到其他人的鼻喉时,这种高接触性传染病得以传播且在疹子出现后4天内或4天后传播开来。2、通常在病症开始后14天左右出现红疹。典型症状为:首先出现在面颈部,继而延伸至身躯,接着向外扩展到手臂和腿部。疹子将持续5到6天。消褪时可能会掉鳞片状碎屑。3、通常在得过麻疹或接种过疫苗后可预防该疾病。儿童出生后需要接受MMR(麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹)系中的两种疫苗注射,一种在12到15个月内注射,另一种在4到6岁的时候注射。我的答案;1.a dry cough, runny nose, red and swollen eyes, nasal congestion, sneezing, and white spots on the inner side of the cheek2.acetaminophen or ibuprofen to control fever 3.measles, mumps, and rubella我的造句:1.Although the discipline is emphasized to all of the students of the school, some pupils don't follow it partly because of their nature naughtiness.我的翻译:1.该病传染性较强,感染人群体内的病原体经空气泡沫飞散到另一些人的鼻腔或喉咙时就能传播,一般在皮疹出现前4天到皮疹出现后4天都具有传染性。2.充血性皮疹通常在发病14天左右出现。最先常见于面颈部,然后播散到躯干和上下肢。皮疹一般持续5-6天。消退时常伴随一些皮肤碎屑剥脱。3.患过此病或注射预防疫苗后机体都会产生免疫。儿童都应该接受MMR(麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹)疫苗,共2针,一次是在12-15月的时候注射,另一次在4-6岁时注射。我的答案;a dry cough, runny nose, red and swollen eyes, nasal congestion, sneezing, and white spots on the inner side of the cheekacetaminophen or ibuprofen to control fevermeasles, mumps, and rubella我的造句:Although thousands of millions of dollars has been spent on the HIV/AIDS prevention, its incidence still keeps rising globally and annually. 我的翻译:This highly contagious disease spreads when germs pass from an infected person to the nose or throat of others through droplets and can be transmitted from 4 days before the onset of the rash to 4 days after. 高度传染性的疾病可以通过液滴从一个人传播到其他人的鼻子或咽喉。并且在发疹的前后四天内都具有传播性。A red rash usually develops about 14 days after the beginning of the illness. Typically, it begins on the face and neck, then spreads down the trunk and out to the arms and legs. The rash lasts 5 to 6 days. As it fades, it may peel off in small flakes.红疹一般在发病后的14天出现。通常,红疹一般先出现在面部和颈部,然后向躯干和四肢蔓延。红疹一般持续5-6天。当皮疹消退时,出现脱屑。Immunity against measles comes with having had the disease or with vaccination to prevent it. Children should receive the MMR (----3----) series of 2 shots with 1 given between 12 and 15 months, and 1 between 4 and 6 years.感染麻疹或接种该疫苗可是机体获得免疫力。儿童应该两次接种麻疹,腮腺炎病毒疹,风疹三联疫苗。第一次在出生后的12-15个月。第二次应在4-6周岁内。我的答案:1.a dry cough, runny nose,red and swollen eyes,nesal congestion,sneezing, and white spots on the inner side of the cheek.2.give acetaminophen or ibuprofen to control fever.3.measles, mumps, and rubella. 我的造句:Although condom is recommended nationwide, many young people get STD(sexually transmitted disease) each year in China because they have not used condom.我的翻译:1、很强的接触性感染疾病可以通过飞沫将菌体传播至其他人的鼻腔或咽喉,并且在皮疹出现4天前至4天后都具有传染性。2、发病之后,皮疹会持续约14天。典型的皮疹起始于面部和颈部,然后蔓延至躯干乃至四肢。皮疹持续5-6天后开始退化,会像鳞屑一样蜕皮。3、对麻疹的免疫力来源于曾经患过麻疹或接种过麻疹疫苗来预防。儿童须接种接种两次麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹三联疫苗两次,一次在12个月-15个月之间,另一次在4-6岁之间。我的答案;1 dry cough, running nose, red and flowing eyes, nasal congestions, freezing fresh bud from any side of the cheek2 acetaminophen or albiperphone to control the fever3 measles, mumps and rubella我的造句:Although physical exercise are recommended, millions of people don’t have enough exercises in everyday life.我的翻译:当麻疹病毒通过飞沫从一个感染者到达其他人的鼻或喉咙,这个高度传染的疾病就开始传播了。这咱传播从出疹的前四天就开始了,并延续到出疹四天之后。红色的皮疹通常在发病14天后开始出现。典型的表现是出现在面部和颈部,然后向下发展到躯干并到上、下肢。皮疹持续5到6天。消退时会起皮屑。对麻疹的免疫力通过患有该病或接种疫苗获得。儿童应该接种MMR(麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹)三联疫苗,需接种两针,一次在12-15个月接种,另一次在4到6岁。我的答案1. dry cough,raining nose,red throat and eye,nibble congection,sneezing,and white spots on the inner side of the cheek2. sedate medicine or ibuprofen to control fever3. measles,mumps and rubella我的造句Although researches indicate that smoking is somehow linked to lung cancer, thousands of people die for the disease each year in the world because they have kept smoking without taking doctors' advices.我的翻译1. 病毒微生物通过空气中微滴的方式从感染者传到其他人的鼻部或喉部,这种高度传染的疾病经此扩散,并能在皮疹发生前4天到发生后4天期间传播。2. 红色的皮疹通常在病程开始14天左右出现。典型的皮疹开始出现于面部和颈部,之后向下扩散至躯干及向外扩散至四肢。皮疹持续5-6天。当皮疹消退时,可以以碎片状皮屑的形式剥脱。3. 曾经患病或接种预防可获得对麻疹的免疫力。小儿应该接受MMR疫苗(麻疹、流行性腮腺炎、风疹)注射,包括2次,首次注射在12-15个月之间,末次注射在4-6岁之间。It's my first time to take part in such actives. I'm very interested on it. Though I have listened to the material for many times and looked for so many fields, I cann't catch all what it reads. Can I get an encourage? By the way, how to know the correct answer?我的答案1) dry cough , running nose , red and eyes , nasal congestion white spots on the inner side of cheek2)aminofen or ibuprofen to control fever 3)measles, mumps, and rubella我的造句:Although immunization is recommended nationwide ,some children get infantile paralysis each year in the china because they have not been vaccinated.我的翻译:1)传染性疾病的传播主要是病菌从被感染的患者的鼻子和喉咙通过飞沫传播其他人,出疹子前后4天是传染期2)感染14天后出现红疹,通常开始于头颈部然后发展到躯干和四肢.疹子持续5到6天.当疹子消退会出现局部脱皮.3)为了预防麻疹发生机体通过免疫产生免疫抗体.儿童在小时候接种三连(麻疹腮腺炎风疹)疫苗两种在12到15个月接种一个在4到6岁后接种我的答案:1. a dry cough, runny nose, red and swollen eyes, nasal congestion, sneezing, and white spots on the inner side of the cheek2. acetaminophen or ibuprofen to control fever 3. measles, mumps, and rubella我的造句:1. Although I is very old , I must ask for money from my parents because I could not find a job .我的翻译:1. 细菌以小液滴形式从受感染的人群经鼻或喉传播到其他人群导致这种强传染病扩散,并且传播时间从皮疹出现4天前到其消失4天后。2. 疾病感染后,红色皮疹发展通常需要14天,典型的经过是始于面颈部,然后向下扩散到躯干及四肢。皮疹持续5到6天。疾病恢复时,皮疹以小皮屑形式慢慢脱落。3. 以前患过麻疹或是注射过抗麻疹的疫苗,机体就会产生对麻疹的免疫。孩童应该接受MMR(麻疹,流行性腮腺炎,风疹)2剂疫苗,第一次是在12月到15月之间,第二次在4到6岁时。我的答案:1.a dry cough, running nose, red throat and eye, nasal congestion, sneezing and white spot on the inner side of the cheek.2.acetaminophen or (没听懂)to contronl fever.3.measles,mumps and rubella.我的造句:Although this therapeutic measure is highly recommended, a lot of patients can't get therapy because of the large expense.我的翻译:1.这种接触性传染病具有强传染性,病菌可以通过飞沫从感染者传播到其他人的鼻部或喉部,在出疹前4天到出疹后4天都具有传染性。2.通常在发病后约14天出现红疹。典型表现为最先出现于头颈部,然后扩散到躯干及四肢。疹子持续5到6天。随者疹子逐渐消退,会出现皮肤脱屑。3.患过麻疹或注射过麻疹疫苗对麻疹具有免疫力。儿童应接受两次MMR(麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹疫苗)疫苗接种,一次为12到15月注射,一次为4到6岁注射。我的答案;1.dry cough, runny nose, red and flow in the eye, nasal congestion, sneeze, white spots in the inner side of the cheek2.acetaminophen or ibuprofen to control fever3.meales-mumps-rubella我的造句:Although protected sexual intercourse is recommended nationwide, thousands of adults get STD each year in the China because they lead a unprotected sexual intercourse.我的翻译:1.当病毒从患者的分泌物中播撒到易感人的鼻腔或咽喉时,这个有高度传染性的疾病就传播开了,而且在起皮疹的前4天一直到皮疹消退后的4天都有传染性。2.红疹通常在起病14天后出现。典型的皮疹从颜面及头颈开始起,然后向下播撒到躯干及四肢。皮疹通常持续5-6天。当皮疹消退时,皮屑会剥脱下来。3.患者(在疾病后)会对麻疹有免疫力,或接种疫苗后也将获得免疫力。儿童必须接种两次麻腮风三联疫苗,一次在12-15月,另一次在4-6岁。我的答案:1.dry cough、running nose、 red and flow of eyes、 nasal conjunction fleazing(这里好象没有听对,但实在没有听出来) and white spot on the inner side of the cheek; 2.____(没有听出来是什么药)and ibuprofen to control fever;3.measle 、mump and rubella.我的造句:Although we study in the same classroom,a few classmates still fail in the final exams each year because they don't go through their lessons after class.我的翻译:1.这种具有高度接触传染性的疾病,其病菌通过飞沫从感染者传至其他人的鼻或咽喉而传播,并且从出疹前4天到出疹后4天均具有传染性。2.通常在发病约14天后会出现红色皮疹,在典型病例里,皮疹最先见于面部及颈部,然后向躯干及上、下肢播散。皮疹一般持续5-6天。随着皮疹消退,可出现小片状脱屑。3.抗麻疹免疫可以通过感染此病或接种疫苗获得,以防止疾病发生,小孩需接受两次MMR(麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹疫苗)接种,一次在12到15个月之间,另一次在4到6岁之间。我的答案:1 a dry cough, runny nose, red and swollen eyes, nasal congestion, sneezing, and white spots on the inner side of the cheek2 acetaminophen or ibuprofen to control fever3 measles, mumps, and rubella我的造句:Although aid is provided nationwide ,thousands of fishers are bankrupted each year in China because typhoon destroy their nurseries every year. 我的翻译:1 这种高度传染性疾病通过受感染人群鼻子或者喉咙分泌出的唾沫中的病毒传播,并且在斑疹发出前后四天都有传染性。2 红斑通常在疾病开始后的十四天左右出现。典型的表现为从脸部和颈部开始发出,然后向躯干和四肢的外侧蔓延。红斑持续五到六天。红斑消退时,红斑处蜕皮并留下白斑。3 麻疹的免疫力来自得过这种疾病或者来自接种疫苗。孩子应该在12个月和15个月之间接受麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹三联疫苗的一期注射,在4-6岁之间接受二期注射.有两个单词实在听不出,好像是药名我的答案;1.a dry cough, running nose, red and swollen eyes, measles congestion, missing and white spots on the inner sides of cheek2.* and * to control fever3.measles-mumps-rubella我的造句:Although several new drugs of hepatitis B has been developed, there are still many problems in the management of hepatitis B because all drugs cannot eliminate the virus.我的翻译:1.这种高度传染性疾病通过飞沫传播,病原体从感染者到达其他人的鼻或咽部而致病,从出疹前4天至出疹后4天均具传染性。2.红色皮疹通常在起病14天内出现。典型的皮疹起自面颈部,然后向躯干和四肢蔓延。皮疹持续5到6天,消退时伴有小片脱屑。3.患过麻疹或注射过疫苗者对其有免疫力。儿童应注射麻疹-腮腺炎-风疹三联疫苗,共2针,一针在12到15个月注射,一针在4到6岁注射。我的答案:1、a dry cough, runny nose, red and swollen eyes, nasal congestion, sneezing, and white spots on the inner side of the cheek2、( or ) to control fever3、measles, mumps, and rubella我的造句:Although immunization is recommended nationwide, thousands of people get influenza each year in China because they have not been vaccinated. 我的翻译:1、这种高度接触性传染病可通过飞沫传播,病毒从受感染人传到其他人的鼻或咽喉。 患儿在出疹前四天到出疹后四天都具有传染性。2、红色丘疹通常在疾病初期后14天发生。始见于面部和颈部,然后发展至躯干,并累及四肢。红疹一般持续五至六天,疹退后,皮肤有小的鳞片状脱屑。3、麻疹免疫来自于曾经得过此疾病或接种疫苗。儿童应该注射2次(麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹)混合疫苗,一次在12至15个月之间,一次在4至6岁之间。我的答案:1.dry cough, runny nose, red and swollen eye, nasal conjunction, sneezing and white spot from inner side of cheek2.a few of medicine or iv *** to control fever3.measles, mumps and rubella我的造句:Although “you drink, you pay” has been put in force for many years, the car accidents that happened because of drunk drive have also increased each year.我的翻译:1.这种高度传染性的疾病是通过带有细菌的悬滴从已感染的人传播到另一人的鼻腔或是嗓子里,并且其传播期是在患者出疹的前后4天都可以传播。2.红色的疹子通常会在得病后发展14天左右。典型的疹子最先出现在面部和颈部,然后逐渐向下蔓延至躯干及四肢。疹子通常会持续5-6天,在它渐渐消退的过程中,会呈碎屑状的剥落。3.对麻疹有免疫力的人群主要是已经患过麻疹的人或是接受过保护性疫苗注射的人。儿童应该接受两针麻风腮(麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹)疫苗的注射,第一针应在12-15个月之间注射,第二针应在4-6岁间注射。我的答案:1.dry cough, runny nose, red and flown eyes, measle congestion, sneezing and white spot on the inner side of the cheeks2.a sid medicine or iv Brufen to control fever3.Measles, Mumps and Rubella 我的造句Although immunization is popularized nationwide, millions of children died of measles each year in China because they have not been vaccinated successfully.我的翻译1.这种高度传染性疾病是在细菌通过飞沫从感染者传到别人的鼻或咽喉时进行扩散的,患者初次出疹前4天到后4天都会有传染性。2.红斑通常在起病后14天左右出现。典型的红斑开始出现在面部和颈部,然后扩散到躯体和四肢。红斑持续5至6天,消退时可能留下小白点。3.已经患过麻疹或用疫苗预防,可以对麻疹产生免疫。儿童应该接受两次麻疹、流行性腮腺炎和风疹三联疫苗:12至15周时一次,4到6岁时一次。我的答案:1.dry cough, runny nose, red and flown eyes, measle congestion, sneezing and white spot on the inner side of the cheeks2.a sid medicine or iv Brufen to control fever3.Measles, Mumps and Rubella 我的造句Although immunization is popularized nationwide, millions of children died of measles each year in China because they have not been vaccinated successfully.我的翻译1.这种高度传染性疾病是在细菌通过飞沫从感染者传到别人的鼻或咽喉时进行扩散的,患者初次出疹前4天到后4天都会有传染性。2.红斑通常在起病后14天左右出现。典型的红斑开始出现在面部和颈部,然后扩散到躯体和四肢。红斑持续5至6天,消退时可能留下小白点。3.已经患过麻疹或用疫苗预防,可以对麻疹产生免疫。儿童应该接受两次麻疹、流行性腮腺炎和风疹三联疫苗:12至15周时一次,4到6岁时一次。我的填空1 a dry cough,running nose,reddened _____ and eye,nasal congestion,sneezing and white spots on the inner side of the cheek.2 a seed of medicine or Ibuprofen to control the fever3 measles,mumps and rubella我的造句1 Although immunization is recommended nationwide, thousands of children get tuberculosis each year in China because they have not been vaccinated.2 Although immunization is recommended nationwide, thousands of children get rubella each year in the United States because they have not been vaccinated.我的翻译1 当来自感染者的病原体通过飞沫达到其他人的鼻子或者咽喉时,这种具有很强接触传染性的疾病即可播散,并且从出疹前4天到出疹后4天都能传播。2 约在发病后14天红色的皮疹通常即会出现。典型者首先从面部和颈部开始,随后向下蔓延至躯干,而后扩散至上肢和腿部。出疹持续5到6天。随着颜色褪去,皮疹逐渐发生细小的脱屑。3 对麻疹的免疫应该包括已经患病者或接种疫苗防护者。儿童应该分2次分别在12个月到15个月之间和4到6岁之间各接种一次麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹三联疫苗。我的答案1) a dry cough, running nose, red and swollen eyes, nasal congestion, sneezing and white spot on the inner side of the cheek2) give acetaminophen or ibuprofen to control fever3) measles, mump and rubella我的造句Although compulsory education is commanded nationwide, thousands of children get illiterated each year in our country because they have not been educated.我的翻译This highly contagious disease spreads when germs pass from an infected person to the nose or throat of others through droplets and can be transmitted from 4 days before the onset of the rash to 4 days after当细菌经口鼻从感染者传至他人时,这一高传染性疾病得以传播,且出疹前后4天都具有传染性我的翻译2)A red rash usually develops about 14 days after the beginning of the illness. Typically, it begins on the face and neck, then spreads down the trunk and out to the arms and legs. The rash lasts 5 to 6 days. As it fades, it may peel off in small flakes红色皮疹通常出现在疾病开始后14天左右。典型皮疹始于面部和颈部,然后传至躯干、上臂和腿部。皮疹持续5到6天,消退时呈小片状脱屑。3)Immunity against measles comes with having had the disease or with vaccination to prevent it. Children should receive the MMR (----3----) series of 2 shots with 1 given between 12 and 15 months, and 1 between 4 and 6 years. 得过麻疹或经过免疫防疫可获得对麻疹的免疫力。儿童需注射麻风腮联合疫苗两次,一次在12至15个月大之间,另一次在4到6岁之间。上面的差两句,现补上!我的答案:1.a dry cough,runny nose ,red and swollen eyes,nasal congestion,sneezing and white spots on the inner side of the cheek2.give acetaminophen or ibuprofen to control the fever3.measles,mumps and rubella我的造句:Although the teamers tried their best, they lost the match because of their rivals were too strogn.我的翻译:1.感染者出疹前后4天内可通过其飞沫——健康者鼻喉传染别人,使这种高度传染病得以蔓延。2.一般发病后约14天出红疹。典型的从面颈部开始向躯干、四肢蔓延。红疹持续5至6天,然后如小鳞片般消褪。以前感染过麻疹或接种过疫苗都可获得免疫力。儿童应分别于12至15月、4至6岁间各接种一剂麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹三联疫苗。我的答案;1. dry cough, runny nose, red and swollen eyes, nasal congestion, sneezing, and white spots on the inner side of the cheek2. acetaminophen or ibuprofen to control fever 3.measles, mumps, and rubella我的造句:Although the government claims enough money has been invested into the health industy, millions of citizens still feel unsatisfied of the medical reform in China because they have not seen any changes so far.我的翻译:1.This highly contagious disease spreads when germs pass from an infected person to the nose or throat of others through droplets and can be transmitted from 4 days before the onset of the rash to 4 days after. 这个传染性极高的疾病通过鼻咽飞沫将细菌由病人传给其他人, 传染期为皮疹发作的4天前后.2.A red rash usually develops about 14 days after the beginning of the illness. Typically, it begins on the face and neck, then spreads down the trunk and out to the arms and legs. The rash lasts 5 to 6 days. As it fades, it may peel off in small flakes.红疹一般在发病后14天开始出现. 通常由脸部和颈部开始,蔓延到躯干以及上臂大腿. 红疹持续5-6天, 消退时伴随皮屑剥脱现象.3.Immunity against measles comes with having had the disease or with vaccination to prevent it. Children should receive the MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) series of 2 shots with 1 given between 12 and 15 months, and 1 between 4 and 6 years.麻疹的免疫来自得过该病或是疫苗免疫. 儿童必须接受风腮麻联合疫苗的2次接种,一次在12-15个月期间, 另一次在4-6岁期间.我的答案;a dry cough, runny nose, red and swollen eyes, nasal congestion, sneezing and white spots on the inner side of the cheek.------? or ibuprofen to control fever)measles, mumps and rubella我的造句:Although condom is recommended worldwide, thousands of teenagers get the pregnant each year in the China because they have not been given the knowledge of the safe sex.我的翻译:这个高传染性疾病迅速传播,病毒通过受感染者的飞沫传递至他人的鼻咽部,并且其传染期长达麻疹出现4天前至4天后。红色麻疹在疾病发病后14天内出现。通常起自面颈部,然后扩散至躯干及四肢。麻疹持续5至6天。当其消退时,可见小鳞片状的脱屑。对麻疹的免疫力来自于感染过该病或是免疫接种过疫苗。儿童应该接受两次MMR注射,一次在12-15个月大时,另一次在4-6岁时。
